Garrett Colton

Garrett Colton was born and raised in Oklahoma City. After college he moved to Los Angeles working in the art and design industries and began to have a passion for all things related to home. He met his wife in Los Angeles and they welcomed their first child in California. A stop in Oklahoma City where Garrett worked in real estate and contemporary art, they added another team member to the family.  

Saint Augustine, his wife’s hometown, was calling them soon after and they left the west coast for better beaches and a slower pace. A family of four now, the Colton’s are now all in living in the nation’s oldest city and couldn’t be happier. The community, weather, and lifestyle is everything we had been longing for.  

With Garrett’s experience in the arts it made sense to join forces with the world’s best in arts and real estate, Sotheby’s. It’s a world class organization with a world class team and truly the perfect fit.  

Garrett looks forward to connecting and helping out with whatever your housing needs are .